Eville,USA Book trailer
Thursday, October 11, 2012 at 9:34AM
Fian in Eviile USA, Fian Arroyo, Julia Dweck, character design, children's book illustrator, halloween book, humorous illustrator, monster illustrations, monster kids book, picture book illustrator, zombie illustrations

Hey folks! Eville,USA written by the talented Julia Dweck and drawn by Fian Arroyo is out now on Amazon.com just in time for Halloween! Check out the book trailer here.

Have you ever wondered where monsters, zombies, and villains go on holiday? Once a year, they meet in a town called, Eville, U.S.A. You’ve never heard of it? Well, most humans haven’t. Being a monster is exhausting work. You spend long hours, plotting, planning, and lurking. Down in Eville, U.S.A., monsters of all shapes and sizes meet to take a break and relax. Join them on holiday. You’ll have a monstrously good time!

Pick up a copy today here.

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Article originally appeared on Humorous Illustration, Cartoons, Character Design, Children’s Book Art, Illustration, Mascot Design by Fian Arroyo (http://fian.squarespace.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.