Business illustration showing teamwork

This is an illustration pulled from the archives of Fian Arroyo Illustration I did years ago for a business magazine for Thomson Financial depicting teamwork. I believe it was an article on companies building teamwork skills kind of like the thing my buddy Tom's site does.
I wanted to show how teamwork in a corporate environment could keep the company moving forward in a collective effort towards a common goal.
This image is available as stock art. Contact me directly if you are interested.
Reader Comments (2)
A few observations about this image:
- I like the rowing metaphor. In a row boat, if one person is rowing harder on one side, the boat goes around in circles. The lesson? Coordinate efforts to move forward with greater speed and efficiency.
- The characters in this cartoon are without emotion (that's the way I see it). Back in the day, businesses could in fact move forward (compete) without expressing much emotion. Times have changed. The teams (businesses) that are winning express their emotion easily and they have a high "emotional intelligence" (high EQ).
- The metaphor of the dollar bill representing the team/business is somewhat dated. Boomers and Gen X probably relate well to the dollar bill metaphor however Millennials (aka Gen Y) aren't motivated by money like previous generations. Millennials are (in large part) motivated by other things such as life-balance, community, helping the planet, etc.
Excellent observations Tom! Thanx! This illustration was created years ago for a magazine with the baby boomer and Gen X in mind. I will have to do an updated version with the variables you described above...stay tuned.