Another day in the life at Fian Arroyo Illustration

About to start on a new humorous illustration. Working out the sketch before going to color....then I'm gonna dive in. Do the sketching in Painter and Photoshop then do the final art in Photoshop.
About to start on a new humorous illustration. Working out the sketch before going to color....then I'm gonna dive in. Do the sketching in Painter and Photoshop then do the final art in Photoshop.
I made a visit yesterday to my daughters 5th grade class where I showed them samples of my work by bringing in my portfolio, skateboards, games, books and magazines featuring my art. Then I read Eville,USA to them on my ipad and then with their help drew a huge monster on their whiteboard. Funny how at even a young age...anyone can be an art director. :-) I've presented my work and talked about my career in the past to high schools, universities and elementary schools, but elementary schools have always been the most fun. The kids really get into my art and reading to them is always a blast. The big hit with them is having them art direct a monster I draw for them on the whiteboard...super fun!