Entries in game board art (4)


Motocross game with Fian.com art now at Target

The board game Motocross Unplugged (with artwork I did for the box cover, cards and game pieces inside) came out in Target stores 2 weeks ago. Check out the art here.  What a rush to see it on the shelves! It never gets old to see my work on the final product on any project I work on. Waddayathink?


Fian's illustrations out now in stores

The games Skateboard Madness and Fandooble by MindtwisterUSA (the illustrations were done by yours truly) should be in stores now. Just got my games sent to me a few weeks ago....awesome!


Dice Game box cover art

Happy New Year! This my first post of the new year. This illustration was done back before Christmas but it has been too busy to post it sooner. Its actually the entire layout with final art for the box cover. Also posted it to my Facebook fan page. It was done for the dice game Fandooble which should be in stores this spring...cool! What a treat to work on a fantasy piece like this with stylized characters I created. I used to love drawing Lord Of The Rings type stuff like this back when I was a kid, before computers, internet...MTV :-) I love the tag line: The only thing more fun than stealing gold from a Dragon...is stealing it from your friends! I was given free reign to do what I wanted, character wise and composition wise and with no revisions at all....totally awesome experience! Love how I was given name credit nice and big on the side panel where the bar code is.

Just wondering if I can steal away this week to play hooky and go snowboarding :-)


Skateboard Madness Board Game cover Illustration

Heres an Illustration I did for a game board box cover for wonderful folks at Mindtwister. I also did character art that will be on game pieces and various pieces of art for other aspects of the game. It should be out in stores hopefully this spring. What a great project to work on. Being a skateboarder its very rare I get to combine my passion for art and skateboarding in one shot. The characters (which I will post soon) were really fun to create, they reflect different personality types in the world of skateboarding. Working closely with Tony Mag (skateboarding legend and owner of Mindtwister) has been a real blessing! One of the coolest guys I've had the pleasure to work with and get to know...period! In the process of creating art with Tony for a dice game with a fantasy theme...dragon,knights and wizards...AWESOME! I will post the sketch for the cover next week...so stay tuned.

I have this wicked chest cold. I've lost my voice....bummer!