Entries in skateboard art (5)


Final Art for Illustration For Charity

Here is the final illustration I delivered today for the skateboard deck for Grind For Life for an idea they wanted done. When the boards are available soon you can purchase one at grindforlife.org and help destroy cancer. GFL rocks! They raise money to help cancer victims through skateboarding events held across the country. Cancer took my mothers life and is messing with my brother and some of my friends...this shits personal...nuff said!


Illustration for a skateboard

Below is a new illustration I drew up for H-street skateboards. Its the model for one their riders Mike Owen. They wanted a regal kind of look with an image that looks like something between the American eagle and German eagle. Its not my typical humorous style but a little more realistic, kind of like the scratchboard illustrations I used to do. I can't wait to see the final product on the skateboard and on t-shirts. When I get them in I'll be sure to post pics up here on Fian Arroyo Illustration.

I should be finishing up the Panda art for Grind For Life, from my previous post, this week. Finally have a little time to fit that in. I'll post it up when I do.

One of the several things I have on the drawing board right now, is a children's book for the ipad. Working with a very talented and driven writer named Julia Dweck. After this book we have another that we are going to work on. I will post something from this project next week....I promise! 


Illustration On Skateboard Deck For Charity

Here is something on the board at Fian Arroyo Illustration...right now. Donating my illustration services to fight cancer (my mother died from it...so its personal) to Grind For Life an organization that raises money through skateboarding events and an online shop to help people with cancer...great organization. This is a sketch in progress for a skateboard deck. Buy a deck and help kick cancers ass!!!!

I'll post final art when it is completed.



News update for Fian.com

Been really busy the last few months working on projects that I can't post artwork up yet. One is an art licensing project involving creating character designs and mascot development for a line of children's supplements. They are fantasy characters like a knight, dragon, wizard etc. that will be on the product labels and merchandising. Should be 12-13 characters in all...a super fun project and great client to work with! I will give out more updates and art work sneek peeks (if possible) later as the project progresses. Another art licensing/character development opportunity is with a line of fantasy/sci-fi characters that were created for a trading card strategy game a few years back. My partners, on this business venture, and I are in negotiations right now with a toy/game company working out the details. If all goes well, we will be at Toyfair in Februrary 2012 showcasing the new game. Check out the second to the last image on the mascots portfolio to see some of the characters in the game.

In the meantime, check out the artwork I did not too long ago for a skateboard deck. A real fun piece to do in Adobe Illustrator. Still waiting for my additional samples to come in...don't really want to ride and trash a sample if I don't have one as a backup to use as a wall hanger.

Now back to the drawing board...



Skateboard Madness Board Game cover Illustration

Heres an Illustration I did for a game board box cover for wonderful folks at Mindtwister. I also did character art that will be on game pieces and various pieces of art for other aspects of the game. It should be out in stores hopefully this spring. What a great project to work on. Being a skateboarder its very rare I get to combine my passion for art and skateboarding in one shot. The characters (which I will post soon) were really fun to create, they reflect different personality types in the world of skateboarding. Working closely with Tony Mag (skateboarding legend and owner of Mindtwister) has been a real blessing! One of the coolest guys I've had the pleasure to work with and get to know...period! In the process of creating art with Tony for a dice game with a fantasy theme...dragon,knights and wizards...AWESOME! I will post the sketch for the cover next week...so stay tuned.

I have this wicked chest cold. I've lost my voice....bummer!