
News update for

Been really busy the last few months working on projects that I can't post artwork up yet. One is an art licensing project involving creating character designs and mascot development for a line of children's supplements. They are fantasy characters like a knight, dragon, wizard etc. that will be on the product labels and merchandising. Should be 12-13 characters in all...a super fun project and great client to work with! I will give out more updates and art work sneek peeks (if possible) later as the project progresses. Another art licensing/character development opportunity is with a line of fantasy/sci-fi characters that were created for a trading card strategy game a few years back. My partners, on this business venture, and I are in negotiations right now with a toy/game company working out the details. If all goes well, we will be at Toyfair in Februrary 2012 showcasing the new game. Check out the second to the last image on the mascots portfolio to see some of the characters in the game.

In the meantime, check out the artwork I did not too long ago for a skateboard deck. A real fun piece to do in Adobe Illustrator. Still waiting for my additional samples to come in...don't really want to ride and trash a sample if I don't have one as a backup to use as a wall hanger.

Now back to the drawing board...



Miller Lite character design

Back in March I created two pieces of character design art for Miller Lite for the Mexican soccer team Chivas that they sponser. The one I am posting now is going to be on trucks, banners, etc. in the southwest and Cali to promote the team. The other which I will post later this week will be a 6 foot standee that will be in stores. I am really pushin' for those folks to hook me up with a standee to put in my studio...should be a done deal doncha think...I'll keep ya posted. They wanted me to create a super hero/bad ass character for their mascot...waddayathink...I wouldn't wanna tick him off :-)



Character design comparison

Been awile since i posted due to pressing deadlines (what's knew?). Here's a comparison in a character I did for the game Skateboard Madness done digitally and a version I did for kicks the old fashioned way with pencil and watercolor. It felt weird painting with a brush and paint instead of a digital pen, but it also felt like being reunited with an old dear friend. Took awhile to realize there was no undo command when I painted.I will have to keep doing these painting refresher courses up...Waddayathink?


New iphone app Alien Eye with art created by Fian Arroyo

Hey folks, check out the new iphone app Alien Eye that just came out. Its a FREE, fun, simple and educational app for kids with illustrations done by yours truly...Fian Arroyo. Check it out for yourself at:

Below is a screen shot from the Apple app store online with a description of the app Alien Eye.

It was a joint venture between Top Floor Studios (the folks who created the app itself), The Health and Science Museum in Asheville,NC (who it was created for) and Fian Arroyo Illustration,Inc. (who did all the illustrations).

I am in the process of finishing up two character development projects, one a character design of the mascot for the Mexican soccer team Chivas for Miller Lite. Another is a cute mouse character for car dealerships in California. I will post sketches and final art soon when I get clearance from my clients.

Back to the drawing board...deadlines are a calling.


Dice Game box cover art

Happy New Year! This my first post of the new year. This illustration was done back before Christmas but it has been too busy to post it sooner. Its actually the entire layout with final art for the box cover. Also posted it to my Facebook fan page. It was done for the dice game Fandooble which should be in stores this! What a treat to work on a fantasy piece like this with stylized characters I created. I used to love drawing Lord Of The Rings type stuff like this back when I was a kid, before computers, internet...MTV :-) I love the tag line: The only thing more fun than stealing gold from a stealing it from your friends! I was given free reign to do what I wanted, character wise and composition wise and with no revisions at all....totally awesome experience! Love how I was given name credit nice and big on the side panel where the bar code is.

Just wondering if I can steal away this week to play hooky and go snowboarding :-)

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